Duluth Entrepreneur Developing a New Temperature Control Monitoring Product

A Duluth entrepreneur with a few patents and funded by a few Instagram accounts is out to revolutionize shipping, medicine, food and even insurance, according to the Duluth News Tribune.

Nathan Lipinski’s company, MC Cubed, as a couple of products. One shows whether a refrigerator/freezer lost its power and thawed food out while homeowners or cabin owners had been gone.

Another product with huge market potential is simple — it’s a visual indicator that the temperature has or had risen to a certain level, even if it returned to the right level later. There are already some complex and internet-connected devices that do that, but this offers an inexpensive solution to the growing need to keep things cool from Point A to Point B — whether that’s an Amazon warehouse to your house or an ebola vaccine delivery.

The Zimmerman, Minn., native debuted his initial invention, the Freezer Friend, at a Shark Tank Entrepreneurship Competition at the University of Minnesota Duluth in 2017.

“My solution to the foodborne epidemic is, simply, a tube,” he said at the time.

See the Duluth News Tribune for more on this story.